Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Different Types of Thirst

Assalamualaikum and Hello!

So it took me nine months to finally be back here.
Time sure flies.

Why are books so expensive. Ughh.

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry written by Neil DeGrass Tyson

I had sudden thirst for anything related to Science specifically to physics.
Mainly due to me watching lots of Star Trek.
Mainly due to me obsessing with Spock.
I googled top science book for layman and this book is the only easiest option for layman like me to understand. The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku is too hypothetical for me. I don't even have a grasp of physics to be hypothetical.
My level of physics stops at Form 4 and Form 5.
Anyone can recommend me some good science fiction books?
Maybe I should start with Star Trek.

I've always wanted to read Convenience Store Woman.
I like Japanese Authors, they write quite straightforward.
Well that doesn't count Haruhi Murakami, which I just don't get it.
This book is quite popular and always appear in recommended section.

Today is the coronation of Malaysia's Agong.

Now, I'll be posting this post, pay July's bill and some reading time.
