Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Say Whaaaaaaat??
Things that might not cross over girls' mind about guys.......

> 1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about....
> .
> 2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
> .
> 3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(:
> .
> 4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
> .
> 5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
> .
> 6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
> .
> 7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
> .
> .
> 9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
> .
> 10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
> .
> 11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something
> .
> 12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is
> Guys rarely say that
> .
> 13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me"
> .
> 14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
> .
> 15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
> something.
> .
> 16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them
> .
> 17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
> .
> 18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own.
> He's just too stubborn to admit it
> .
> Just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean he represents ALL of them
> .
> .
> 21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life

Got this from my friend fb note,

Keep Your Head In The Game!


have mercy on me!!!


I'm doing my best to

get my mind in Wan Arfah, Wu Min Aun and Salleh Buang books.

Let's try again, shall we.

Like Yeahhh,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

Happy Chinese New Year
to all those
who are celebrating it

Me and my family went to OU yesterday.
I wanted to buy myself a turquoise malindi crocs and Sakinah wanted to do some shopping before she returns to her boarding school today.
We ate at the food court since we can't seem to agree on where to eat.
Which means Waffle!!! :0
After filling our tummies, my parents asked what I wanted to do,
I answered "Crocs!!"
My old brown mary jane croc have served me well,
now it's old and rusty and not forgetting fugly.
Crocs store was closed.
I was like what the effing.

Not my lucky day,

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dear you,

I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me, or even smile, because I know even if just for a second, I crossed your mind.


Can you like someone you don't even know his name??

In my case, yes.

I don't even know his name but I won't forget his smile.

But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

It's a secret!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Im having my a week of hiatus :D
Use it wisely Yawww!!

Just scribbling around :)

This is what I found in my diary during the holidays.
I love drawing cartoon :)
Can you recognize the first picture as the characters in Naruto? I f yes, then I did good!
The second picture is a sad imitation of me ;)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One goes down unexpectedly fast

I'm just checking my mom's e-mail.
If you have read my previous post on my new year resolution, i wrote, 'lose weight and I'll know when people mention I'm kurus'. Yesterday, my fellow course mate says "iszati dh kurus".

I should be happy-kan.
Too Soon!! I've done One of my new year resolution. Oh well....

Oh Geeez,

Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Night Wish

Gudnyte blog
Gudnyte everybody
Sleep tight
Sweet Dream

Lets call it a night, shall we.

Music is Life, i-tunes is Music

My top twenty song in my i-tunes by playcount

1.Aku Dan Dirimu
Ari Lasso & Bunga Citra Lestari

2.Ruang Rindu

3.Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Judy Garland

4.My Angel
Fly to the sky

5.Yang Teristimewa

Bunga Citra Lestari

7.With You
Chris Brown

8.Relax, Take it Easy

9.True to Your Heart
98 degrees & Stevie Wonder

10.I did it my way
Frank Sinatra

11.It's all because of you
98 degrees

12.The loneliness
Baby Face

13.A whole new world
Aladdin & Jasmine

Nelly feat Kelly Rowland

South Border

17.I can't help falling in love with you


Hwan Hee

20.In a rush


On bended knees
Boyz II Men

These are my favourite song,
is it yours too?

Never togok rotten milk!

I wanted to revitalize myself by drinking my oh-so0-favourite Dutch Lady milk. I got myself a glass of one of the two boxes of milk. I drank with enthusiast and it was rotten! The first sip was all that needed to tell me the milk is a no no.. 0_____0 The expiry date is 29/9/2009.
But, I still want to drink milk, so I took the other box. I togok-ed it. It was because I was lazy to get myself a glass again. And it was worse than just now! When you togok you gulp. I gulped the rotten milk! And it tasted horrendous!

Pass me mineral water please,
Faster! Before I puke.

Where have I heard that before? *kening2

Ha Ha :D Ibah told me she googled image smkp sri aman and she found her picture first! It was from doctor job exhibition at Sri Aman. She was commenting sarcastically on her tudung and how kurus she was. I find it rather funny :)

Mengata dulang eh ko Iszati,
Takpe, nie blog aku. Hehe.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year's Day and remain until fulfilled or abandoned. Taken from Wikipedia.

Mine is specifically for this 1st sem:

Lose weight and I'll know when people says I'm kurus already ;)

Never leave my prayer

Pay my fasting debt to God, 27 days. Don't ask why -_______________-''

Learn something new: Mandarin :D

Help others. By entering secretariat maybe?

Get sufficient sleep. Not more or less.

No sleeping after eating. The major factor for me gaining weight.

No heavy food after 8pm. Again, the reason why my mom asked me to shed some pounds.


Get a gpa 0f 3.00 above


Definitely not a lazy Sunday

My fringe is hideous. Period. My dad said it looks nice but I know it's not. Nice try.

I have decided that I am going to live at UiTM hostel instead of my home. I think I'll lose my focus when I'm at home. Lots of things to distract me and sheer laziness. I'd better get myself more coupon (we have to get sufficient coupon in order to get a hostel for next semester).

I wanted to go buy the so ever important Bel textbook, so I followed my parents and my sister on their trip to the Star Education Fair 2009 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Aiman was left behind because he wanted to pray infront of my laptop -______-" Plus, I wanted to open my mind to the exhibition there. It was boringggggg because it focused more on SPM leavers. Idris and I ended up really bored. So I took a lot of picture of him to entertain us both :P After an exhausting walk around, we ate at Burger King. I got myself a majorrr headache due to drinking soft drink: Mirinda F&N and Sprite. It was a killer, seriously... @___@

I havent come up with my n e w y e a r r e s o l u t i o n. Should I? Yes!

I'd better start,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sunshine seaps through me

At last! I can access to the wireless here. :O

Hello people! :)
I went into the wrong building. Haizz
It was supposed to be C3 but I went to C2. Yeahh
Level 3 nevertheless -_____-"
Thank God I don't wear make up (I don't wear to classes)
If not make up pown cair :D

I saw this banner while I was waiting outside the class because it was lock.

Date: 12th to 15th January 2008
Venue: Foyer Level 4, Law Faculty
Theme: Confidence: Inside & Out
Organized by Law Society

Cool! I love book fair! :D

I'll tell you about yesterday.
Diana wanted to try the Fuyyoh burger (the stall motto was Fuyyoh Loves You :D).
There was this burger menu, so we were deciding which one to order.

Iszati: Abg, nak burger lembu special and cheese
Abg Burger 1: Mane ada burger lembu *laughs
Abg Burger 2: Mane nak cari lembu *laughs

They all laugh except me. I can only afford to smile sheepishly.
It wasn't my fault, it was written there in the menu.

That's all for now,