Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Dancing Fish Bangsar

Assalamualaikum & Hello!

Yeahhhh Adik Adibah belanja for her first paycheck! ;) at the Dancing Fish Bangsar Shopping Centre. It is advisable that you call them beforehand for reservation since most of the time it's full. click here for the website.


Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 5: Yogyakarta: Museum Affandi

Assalamualaikum and Hello!

In the midst of getting a new job, blogging somehow helps me keep my sanity. Pheww!!! At last I'm at Day 5, I still have a long way to go though. hohoho! 

I spent the morning accompanying Diana to the Bank Internasional Indonesia BII pronounced as BEE-EEE-EEE!! BII is owned by Maybank Malaysia. Haha serious lawak, tanya taxi drivers B-I-I semua tak faham. Ngapain sih kamu nggak ngerti gue ngomong apa???  (I googled this phrase haha) This is because last night Diana wanted to withdraw her cash and somehow her ATM card had been retained (telan baru dramatic sikit)! Truly shocking traumatizing experience for someone in foreign land and in dire need of money! haha (ambooii gelak kan orang bukan main lol). Her card couldn't be saved and the problem can't be solved since we need to wait 3 days for an issuance of a new card. We're leaving by train to Bandung at 11 pm that night. Stress punya pasal kami breakfast di Pizza Hut Indonesia just opposite BEE-EEE-EEE. Yumsieee! Hilang pulak gambar Diana minum satu jug sirap bandung gas sebab stress! lol 


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 4: Yogyakarta: Pantai Parangtritis

Assalamualaikum & Hello!

Our last destination before shopping and leisure time at Jalan Malioboro is Pantai Parangtritis. Based on my research, supposedly the sunset here is really pretty! :) 


Beach with sparkling black sands and strong wind and current

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 4: Yogyakarta: Prambanan Temple

Assalamualaikum & Hello!


Entrance fee for foreigners: IDR207,000 with complimentary tea/coffee. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 4: Yogyakarta: Borobudur Temple

Assalamualaikum & Hello!

On our day 4 we went to the Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple and Pantai Parangtritis. Diana email our host and she arranged for a supir for 12 hours.

RM40/RP450,000 supir and petrol for half day (avanza can fit 5-6 person) 
IRP380,000 Borobudur sunrise tour (foreigner visitor) more info


Good morning from Borubudur Temple! 

Buddhist stupa and temple complex in Central Java,Indonesia dating from the 8th century, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site

While I was reading wikitravel, I found out you can take picture of Mount Merapi in the background! argghhh stresss 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 3: Yogyakarta: Shopping at Jalan Malioboro

Assalamualaikum & Hello!

Since I've been jobless for almost a week now, I have ample time to update my blog. After Friday's steamboat lunch and a cup of coffee so that my brain won't be lazy, here I am. Anyhow, my smartphone motherboard has gone kapush! *huhu If I want to replace it, the cost is around RM710 I'm jobless and with no smartphone! *pass me tissue

Shop till you drop at Malioboro Road!

Ladies and their Catch of the Day
We bought lots of Batik and t-shirts

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 3: Yogyakarta: Taman Sari Water Castle & Underground Mosque

Assalamualaikum & Hello!

I can't believe I still have 7 days of my Indonesia trip to cover! Even Day 3 takes 3 separate post. pheeww *lap peluh*


Entrace Fee: IDR 7,000
Camera Fee: IDR 1,000
Opening hours 8am-2pm

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 3: Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta Palace (Kraton)

Assalamualaikum & Hello! 

I'm trying to finish as soon as possible my #girlfriendgetaway trip before I get too lazy! Fighting! Thanks Diana for correcting my mistakes in my last post which I had edited. If I wait for it to be a perfect post, heck, you'll never be seeing it. I still haven't come up with label tags. I like writing but it seems my lack of vocabulary makes my post a bit dull.  

After much needed rest from our hectic schedules, we hurriedly head out to visit Yogyakarta Palace (Kraton), Taman Sari Water Castle and shopping at Malioboro Road. (I'm making seperate post since the amount of photos are overwhelming! I tend to take too many pictures)

Istana Keraton Jogjakarta
Yogyakarta Palace (Kraton)

Selamat datang!